mercredi 1 février 2012

TRX Routine for Cassandra - TRX FUNdamentals!


Here is your workout video...

The sequence goes like this: (1-2-3-1-2-3... 4-5-4-5... 6-7-6-7... 8-9-8-9)

2 rounds of everything, 12-15 repetitions of each exercise:

1) Lunges facing away, TRX 9" to the ground, 1 leg IN...
2) Power skating, facing anchor, 2 hands, jump side to side...
3) Lying Leg Curl
4) TRX - Rowing (short)
5) TRX - Triceps (medium)
6) TRX - Biceps (medium)
7) TRX - Push-ups (long)
8) ABS lying down on the floor - TRX REVERSE CRUNCHES
9) ABS - Obliques. SIDE PLANK... go for time!!! Goal 30 seconds!

Have a good training and let me know when you are ready for more challenge!