mercredi 30 décembre 2009


I hear it, again & again...

"What can I do to change the routine???"

Here is a simple answer. Go outdoor! Yep. Kids do it so why wouldn't you? No excuse to give...

"Winter gear is expensive!"

Winter gear is a great investment. Playing outside and being cold is no fun! Get the proper winter suit (one piece are so warm!) and you are ready for many activities (ski, snowshoeing, making forts, sledding, etc)

Think about all the benefits. Fresh air for your lungs and a better heart on the long run. Make sure to wear a good hat and you are ready to go!!! Who knows, you might have to play outside with the kids in 2010...!???! :)

mercredi 23 décembre 2009

Myth: More hours spent in the gym leads to better results

In reality: If you think making the gym your second home is a great way to get results, think again. Overtraining is a surefire way to stop any muscle growth -- instead of your body rebuilding its muscle tissues, it'll continue to break it down. This means you'll actually start to lose muscle. You need to train smarter, not harder. When you are in the gym, give 110%. Push your muscles, then give them the rest they need to grow bigger and stronger. Make sure to do cardio training. If your workouts are taking much longer than an hour, chances are you are either wasting too much time between sets, or you're not training in the most effective manner...

Remember that more is not always better...!

dimanche 20 décembre 2009

À l'approche des fêtes... attaquons les mythes!

1er mythe: Faire des abdos c'est bon pour ma bédaine...!???

Il n'y a plus personne qui fait ses redressements assis en se levant le matin pour perdre sa bédaine, right??? Non mais c'est pas possible! La perte de poids localisée n'est pas possible! Je devrais l'écrire encore, mais je le répéterai en janvier...!!!

Alors bougez! C'est la seule façon qui initie la perte de gras.
Calories IN - Calorie OUT = poids.

Si "poids" est négatif, c'est que vous en perdez, si "poids" est positif, vous en gagnerez...

Alors, quel est votre meilleur truc pour perdre la bédaine? Quelle activité allez-vous privilégier pendant l'hiver qui ne fait que commencer? Partagez vos activités préférées sur le blog, ça pourrait donner des idées aux autres!!!